K9.5 Training Academy


Larry Hopper, is the K9 Commander of the Vigo County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit and currently runs a dual-purpose Belgian Malinois (K9-Gnash) in patrol and narcotics.  Larry is a Master Trainer with DLE (Dogs for Law Enforcement) and is a former trainer with IPWDA (International Police Work Dog Association).

Larry advocates for prong and e-collars when used/paired correctly.  Larry will give you and your dog the foundation, however, it is up to you to keep your dog obedient and looking sharp. A good trainer will never tell you a dog can be fully trained in obedience in two weeks. 




Basic on-leash obedience consists of seven (7) total days. 

Your dog will learn the following:

No Jumping, Loose Leash Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Here, Conditioned Reinforcer and Conditioned Punisher

Day 1 (NO DOG) – Starts on Thursdays @ 5pm – 6:30pm   

Days 2, 3 & 4 – Starts the following week – Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday – 5pm – 6:30 pm

Days 5, 6 & 7 – Continue the following week – Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday – 5pm – 6:30 pm

DAY 1:   NO DOG(S). 

Day one (1) will consist of 1 ½ hour lecture over the two theories of training (Classical and Operant Conditioning).  During the lecture, you will participate in leash exercises along with reward marking exercises.  Larry believes this is one of the most important days of training! You will have homework over the weekend!

DAYS 2-7: Days 2-7 you will begin to work on the following:

Sit, Down, Stay, Here, Conditioned Reinforcer and Conditioned Punisher

*** During your seven-day training course, owners will need a prong collar, treats and a treat pouch. Prong collars and treat pouches will be available for purchase in the lobby ***



Our master trainer prefers and recommends the above listed BASIC ON-LEASH OBEDIENCE – OWNER ATTENDS class, however, will do a Board & Train.  Larry can train your dog, however, if you do not know what to do or how to follow up with commands your dog will eventually cheat and get sloppy. 


The board & train basic obedience class consists of 12 training days. During this training your dog will learn the following:


No Jumping, Loose Leash Walking, Sit, Down, Stay, Here, Conditioned Reinforcer and Conditioned Punisher